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[流派]Tozan Ryu - 都山流
[対象楽器]中尾 都山 - 尺八 - 1904

青海波 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonKangetsu (Disk 2) 尺八 : 酒井師山
尺八 : 山本 邦山
This maiden work by TOZAN NAKAO was composed in July 1904. It is composed of four movements.
The first two movements are written for solo. These two movements are not so rhythmic, but have melodies with "Jiuta" like flavor. The first movement features the magnificent view of the sea, and the second movement the scene of warriors slipping in the enemy's camp. The composition makes a complete change in the third movement which is performed by ensemble in two parts and is abundant in bright melodies.

Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - Vol 2 尺八 : 二世 星田 一山
尺八 : 初世 星田 一山
Play ButtonTozan Ryu Honkyoku Instruction Recording - Vol 3 - Disk 3 尺八 : 島原 帆山
尺八 : 高平艟山
Play ButtonTozan Ryu Shakuhachi - Honkyoku 尺八 : 島原 帆山
尺八 : 二世 北原 篁山
Play ButtonTozan Ryu Shakuhachi Honkyoku Shu - Vol 2 尺八 : 二世 星田 一山